Core Values

Our Core Values


"And all the believers met in one place and shared everything they had." (Acts 2:44)

Community is a strength as well as a tradition at Derbyshire. Whether you describe our community feeling as fellowship, relationships, friends and family, or Koinonia - the union of the faithful with Christ and among themselves, it all boils down to a positive element of our church. We like each other, and we show our care and concern in a variety of ways. That is the good news and an expression of Derbyshire's Vision.

Faith Development 

"...we must grow up ... into Christ." (Ephesians 4:15-16)

It is our goal as a family of faith to continually ask, "Where are you in your faith today, and how will you seek to be part of challenging yourself to grow and mature?" Christian faith develops at different rates, and everyone is in a different place in their journey; but we must each learn to grow from where we are, as well as learn from each other.


"Whosoever sows generously will also reap generously..." (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Derbyshire members practice generosity - the willingness to share unselfishly - at incredible levels. Generosity is a deep value for our congregation, and that is an encouraging picture for our future. Biblical stewardship calls us to give our lives and resources with glad hearts and willing hands.


"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)

Everything we do and are as Christians is our mission, and this task is directly from God. Missions expresses faith outwardly and encompasses both proclaiming the Good News and caring for people. 


"...go out into the roads and lanes and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled." (Luke 14:23)

The word "outreach" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for "stretching out." We use the term to express reaching out to others, from all walks of life. Just as we have been welcomed into God's family by and through Jesus, all are welcome here.


"...true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth..." (John 4:23)

Worship services often involve a sermon, prayer, scripture, music and giving. Worship can stretch our souls to new dimensions - with moments of surprise and unpredictability, with experiences full of variety and vigor. Worship is offered solely for the love of God, and with reliance on God's Word to link our historic faith with practical challenges.